Customer Quotes

The Purpose of a Quote is to allow you to communicate a bid to your Customer what you can do or provide for them and at what cost to them.
How to create, edit, and understand a Customers Sales Quote.
You can create a new customer order from three different menu locations. 
First is from the Graphical Menu System. Click on 'Sales' then 'Quote' Then click on the button 'Create a new Customer Quote' 
Second is from the Menu system across the top. Go to Sales; Quotes; Create new Quote.

The first main screen that will appear is the 'Select a Customer' Screen


Most popular to use for 'Customer ID' is the Customers phone number. If your business is in an area that uses multiple area codes you may want to add the area code to the Customer's Id. As you start to type the customer's phone number the form will start to appear with current customers.
you can also click on the checkbox 'Search Customer by Invoices' this allows you to see a list of invoices instead of the list by customer.

Once you have located your customer you can select them one of two ways. 
First click on the 'OK' at the bottom of the screen or with your mouse double click on the customer row. If you cannot find your customer by the phone number you may type in the 'Customer Name' textbox just to the right of the 'Customer ID' textbox. You have two options when you do this. First option is to have 'Search at the Beginning of Customers Name' If this is selected then as you type 'AND' customers such as Anderson, Andrus, and Andrew will appear. If you select the option 'Search anywhere in Customers Name'. Then type 'AND' customers such as Anderson, Landsford, and 'Brand Source' will appear. This is great for searching for customers by their first names.

If you find your customer then click 'OK' at the bottom left of the screen
This Pre-Sale screen will appear.


The purpose of this screen is to provide critical information to the sales staff. 'Customer Sale Notes' can be used for builder allowances, or maybe you just do not want to ever sale to this customer again. This screen also displays the open transaction, Completed Transaction amounts, and Open Transaction amounts. Also shows if the customer has in-house credit.
If you do not find your customer in your database, then this box will appear.

Button '1' will allow you to type in the customers information just like all Point of Sales softwares.
Button '2' will allow Internet Handshake technology to connect to and with the customers name, and zip code WhirlWind Software will pull the customer information from the internet. Great for collecting correct addresses.


If this is a new customer this screen first appears and only the 'Customer ID' field will be filled in. Fill in the all textboxes with your customers information. If your customer already existed in the database your left side of information will be filled out for you. If you are going to deliver to the same address, with your mouse click on 'Same as Sold to Information'. If the Ship to information is wrong click on 'Clear Ship to Information' and type in the correct information. When you enter your address the 'Address Found' just below the 'Ship To Information' will show the results of the WhirlWind system asking Google Earth if your address is a legitimate address.
'Order Number' at the top left of the screen, leave this blank and the computer will produce the Order number for you. If you have a need to enter your own order number, enter it at this time. The computer will check to see that it is available and if so will use the order number provided by you.
'Misc Info' is a field you may use anyway you want. Some customers use it for Nextel numbers.
You now have who you are going to bill and where you are going to deliver there for click 'OK' at the bottom left of screen to continue.

Because many of us in this industry use one computer terminal for multiple sales people, this screen will appear next

The default salesperson will be selected by who is currently logged on to the system. If the salesperson name is 'Sally' type in 'S' and Sally will appear. Double click on Sally or click on 'OK' at the bottom left of the screen to select the salesperson.
The next screen to automatically appear is this screen 

'Date to Follow up with Quote.' this will remind you to contact your customer if you do not hear from them.
This is the Main Screen of a Customer Quote . 
In the top left section is the 'Sold To', 'Ship To', and 'Customer Info'. The 'Sold To' information cannot be changed from a customer order. It must be changed by an employee that has rights to Save Accounts Receivables. The reason for this is to keep an old customers information getting changed to a different customer. In versions prior, a salesperson could change this information. Our company had a salesperson change a customer that owed the store $18,000 plus to a new customers information. One week later we sent out Customer Statements. This new customer received a statement saying she owed $18,000 plus, needless to say she was not happy. 'Customer info' show how much this customer currently owes you and the status of the in-house credit requests.
The command buttons in this section are:

'Same as Sold To Information' Allows user to quickly copy the 'Sold To' information into the 'Ship To' section.
'Change Customer' Great tool for allowing a salesperson to change the current 'Sold To' customer to a different customer without losing any information about the quote. 
'View a Map' With Internet Handshake technology you can simple click here to view a map of the customers address.

 In the top middle section you can add additional information that is important to the Order:

Date This is the date that the Order was created. When an invoice is created then the invoice will be dated the date that it was invoiced.
Sales Enter the salesperson who will receive commission or credit for this sale.
Location This tells the Financial Statements what store to give credit to. 
Terms This is the payment terms that you will provide to your customer.
Tax Tax is the tax group that you will collect from the customer
Customer PO # Use this field when your customer wants to track their invoices by their purchase order number.
Shipping This is where you enter how you and your customer agreed upon how they will receive their merchandise.
Comments This comments are used to express any short comment that you want to your customer. It will print on the customers printed copy. You can setup predefined comments, and then click on the three dots to the left of the comments to select a predefined comment. To save your own predefined comments, go to the menu system along the top to Setup; Sales; Order Comments.

In the top right section is the 'Document Summary' this deals the the money part of the customer quote.
The only input that this section can receive is 'Pre Tax Discount', 'After Tax Discount', and 'Freight'. Most companies setup a model number called 'Delivery' for their delivery charges instead of using 'Freight'.
The command button 'Take a Payment' is disabled for quotes. The button 'View Statement' allows the user to instantly see the customer statement. The button 'Advance Features' is disabled for quotes.

The middle section 'Model Numbers' allows the user to add, edit, and view the model numbers and all the information that is important to them. see 'Customer Order Model Numbers'

In the bottom left of the screen is where the 'Target Date' information is stored and manipulated.

In the bottom middle section is where you would setup delivery and tell the warehouse personnel what and when you want merchandised delivered to the customer.

In the bottom left section of this screen is the 'Print' which will print a copy to the printer. 'OK' that save your changes and exits the customer order. 'Cancel' which does not save any changes and exits the customer order. 'Help' which will bring you to this screen.1

Use Target Date
Quote Comments    Allows you to enter comments that will print on the Customers printed copy.

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