Scan Organizer
This screen is designed to help you with the Palm Scanner.

When a truck  brings  you a delivery , take the packing slip and proceed to the computer.
From the Main Menu select 'Warehouse' then click on 'Receiving Tags':
On the right side of the form click 'Remove ALL from List' (these are the last model numbers you printed.)
On the Toolbar click 'Find PO's' Search for the PO that you are receiving then click 'OK'
On the left side of the form will populate with the model numbers that have not been received for this PO.
You can move over to the left side of the screen one, or multiple model numbers at a time.
Once you have moved to the left all the model numbers that you want tags for, you click on the Toolbar 'Print Tags'
Take these tags and your scanner to the truck. On each item that is received find the tag that was printed for that Item.
Attach the tag to the box, then with the handheld scanner ,scan the model number, then the serial number.
Then from the tag that was printed scan the 'ID' barcode. Repeat this process until you have unloaded all the truck.

Take the handheld scanner to the the computer, place the scanner in the cradle. Press the button that is on front of the cradle to hot
sync with the computer. After the scanner is done with the hot sync, Enter the WhirlWind Software.
From the main screen click 'Warehouse' then 'Scan Organizer'. on the toolbar click 'Import'.
The screen will populate with all the information that was in the hand held scanner.