Finding a Customer Quote

You can find a Customer Quote many ways we will cover the four basic. First is from the menu along the top to 'Sales'; 'Quotes'; 'Find Existing Quote' then use the look-up screen to locate your quote. Second is from the graphical menu by clicking on 'Sales'; 'Quote'; 'Find Existing Quote' then use the look-up screen to locate your quote. Third is from the 'Sales Organizer'. Fourth is to type your Customer Quote number on the Main Menu in the top left corner;        

Then Click on the green button 'View' or press 'Enter' on keyboard.

We will use the 'Graphical Menu' for our instruction.

Click on Sales then Quote

Click on 'Find Existing Quote?'

Then Type in 'AR Doc' which is Quote Number or 'Sold to', 'Ship To', 'Cust ID' which should be phone number, or 'Salesperson', 'Any Address'. Therefore you can find quotes quickly and with many fields. Once you find the quote you can Double-Click with your mouse or click on 'OK' or you can use your arrow down and up keys then press 'Enter'. Your Quote will the load to the screen.