Credit Card Settlement

Allows you to settle your credit card machines. After you have settled your machine you need to enter the information into WhirlWind Software. The total from settlement on your credit machine must match your settlement total. Credit machines can be Credit card or GeCaf as well other credit machines. 
Refer to Credit Card Machine Setup for instructions to setup a new credit machine in WhirlWind Software.

How to Create: 
From the Main Menu; Sales; Settle Credit Machine.
Select which machine you want to settle.
The Auto Pilot will ask you this next question. Items are Payments and Refunds entered through Customer Payments and Customer Refunds.

This Screen Allows you to select the Payments and Refunds. Use your mouse and click on 'Settle' to the left of each item you want to add to this Settlement. Notice the ($333.00) is in brackets denoting that this is a Refund.

We will select both for this demonstration. Then click 'Save to Settlement' on Toolbar

You may see this screen if you have not already verified this payment. Click yes to acknowledge you have received this Item.

This is the Main Screen for the the Credit Card Settlement. Most of the fields are filled in by the setup of the employee who created this settlement.

    New        Starts a New Credit Card Settlement Record
    Save        Saves the current Credit Card Settlement Record
    Find        Find Previos Settlements
    Delete    Allows you to delete Un-Posted Settlements
    Add        Add Payments/Refunds to Settlement
    Remove   Removes Payments/Refunds from Settlement. User must select the Payments/Refunds on the grid at the bottom
    Print        Prints to the Printer a copy of the Settlement
    Post        Finalizes the Settlement
    Now?    Provides suggestions and Internet help for the user